Shop our self reflection guide - 30 days to a better you
Shop our self reflection guide - 30 days to a better you
Shop our self reflection guide - 30 days to a better you
Shop our self reflection guide - 30 days to a better you
Shop our self reflection guide - 30 days to a better you
Shop our self reflection guide - 30 days to a better you
Shop our self reflection guide - 30 days to a better you
Shop our self reflection guide - 30 days to a better you
Shop our self reflection guide - 30 days to a better you
Shop our self reflection guide - 30 days to a better you
Shop our self reflection guide - 30 days to a better you
Shop our self reflection guide - 30 days to a better you
Shop our self reflection guide - 30 days to a better you

100 Forms of Self-Care

A list to inspire you to complete one act of self-care a week…

100 Forms of Self-Care

  1. Listen to your favorite music.
  2. Go for a walk outside.
  3. Read a novel while snuggling up on the couch or the bed.
  4. Have a dance party.
  5. Take a bubble bath.
  6. Take a cold shower
  7. Work in the garden.
  8. Drink some herbal tea, hot chocolate, or wine.
  9. Spend time with a pet.
  10. Light a scented candle.
  11. Curl yourself in a blanket
  12. Go to bed early.
  13. Order your favorite food.
  14. Spend time in meditation or prayer.
  15. Take a power-nap on the weekend.
  16. Write in a journal.
  17. Work on a puzzle.
  18. Buy some flowers or pick some flowers if you have any.
  19. Call a favorite friend/loved one.
  20. Put on your pajamas or comfy clothes when you get home.
  21. Watch a fun movie on Netflix or at the theater.
  22. Wear your favorite outfit.
  23. Take several deep breaths.
  24. Use an essential oil.
  25. Do some stretches.
  26. Soak your feet and have a mini-spa treatment at home.
  27. Try a new face mask.
  28. Make a list of things that make you feel grateful.
  29. Bake or cook something you enjoy.
  30. Get a massage.
  31. Ride a bike.
  32. Unplug from the internet. Put down your phone.
  33. Go to a yoga, Zumba, or exercise class.
  34. Clean out one thing... a box, a basket, a drawer, an area. Purge!
  35. Buy yourself something small but special.
  36. Look through pictures that make you happy.
  37. Visit something new near you... a museum, a farmer's market, a new shop.
  38. Seek out laughter... a favorite show, funny comedian, cat videos.
  39. Talk to a counselor, a pastor/priest, or someone you trust.
  40. Spend time with those you love.
  41. Play an instrument, sing, or dance.
  42. Treat yourself to a favorite dessert. Eat it slowly.
  43. Sit quietly on the patio/porch and enjoy the sunshine or watch the stars.
  44. Cuddle or hug your favorite people, animals or stuffed animal
  45. Listen to an inspiring podcast.
  46. Draw or color a picture
  47. Go to the beach, mountains, or somewhere in nature.
  48. Recite affirmations.
  49. Moisturize your skin with a favorite lotion.
  50. Get some help when you can: a babysitter, a house cleaner, a meal prep kit.
  51. Color in a coloring book.
  52. Take a mental health day
  53. Re-read your favorite book
  54. Walk to a new destination and explore
  55. Set intentions for your week
  56. Make a vision board
  57. Write out your five-year plan
  58. Write out goals for the year
  59. Order your favorite food to your house
  60. Walk to your favorite coffee shop and order your favorite drink
  61. Have a picnic
  62. Say “no” to someone who is draining
  63. Do your favorite workout routine
  64. Write a bucket list
  65. Take a yoga class
  66. Watch favorite childhood movie
  67. Pull a tarot card
  68. Take up new hobby
  69. Light a a candle
  70. Browse your favorite stores online and pick out something for yourself
  71. Do a kind deed for a stanger  
  72. Eat some fruit
  73. Attend a local farmers market
  74. Take yourself on a date night  
  75. People watch at a cafe
  76. Vizualize your manifestations
  77. Work on personal brand
  78. Take up new skill
  79. Watch favorite childhood show or movie
  80. Do some skincare
  81. Clean out your closet
  82. Organize your finances
  83. Look into manifestation
  84. Turn off you phone for the day
  85. Buy and care for a plant
  86. Get into a deep conversation with a friend
  87. Watch a sunset
  88. Donate to your favorite non-profit
  89. Change your sheets
  90. Get a facial
  91. Write a to-do list
  92. Eat a plate of veggies
  93. Watch a comedy show
  94. Take a workout class
  95. Set healthy boundaries
  96. Knock one thing off your to-do list
  97. Do a 5-minute mind dump of all the things weighing on you
  98. Go for a drive with no destination
  99. Write a list of your favorite qualities/ things you love about yourself  
  100. Tell yourself “I love you”